- Add flavor text and other specifications (Ammo, damage, math stuff to do with ammo amounts, funny text, uses etc.) to WEAPON ENTITIES, - Added a fully working version of 'func_model_brush' into the FGD. - Added all items to 'item' key on 'player_weaponstrip' for easy access. - Added a custom version of ZHLT.FGD that includes compatibility with its own sprites to show in editor.
(Thanks Kenny.NL for the 1-bit Pack of tiles!) - Added iconsprite compatibility for all point entities in the FGD. - Added missing materials 'None' and 'Last Material' to BaseClase 'Breakable'. - Added ':FOG FIX:' to ':DETAILS AND NOTES:' section of FGD. - Added some Comments from one of the LD of Ritual Entertainment, CASTLE, on BaseClase Monster keys 'Behavior' and 'Weapons' and a few - Added item_generic Fog fix to the :DETAILS AND NOTES: section. UPDATE - 1.1.2 'CASTLE was here' Edition - Partially renamed the door/button sounds to a better, non-HL1 description. - Switch monster_npc model to npc_scientest model. - Set 'FX amount' key to a default '255' for convenience. - Fixed 'lightmultiplier' keyvalue discription in 'Worldspawn' - Fixed 'env_sprite' from having 0.0 on the 'scale' key.

- Fixed 'language' key in BaseClass 'Monster' to have choices. - Fixed 'monster_generic' from having 2 render FX arrays. - Fixed 'trigger_once' from having 2 'master' keys. - Fixed flags 1 'monsters', 2 'no clients' on 'trigger_teleport'. - Reverted extended JACK FGD feature 'flags (Light)'. - Added zhlt_copylight to ZHLT baseclass. - Added Lever sounds to 'func_button'. - Added flavor text and other specifications (Ammo, uses etc.) to WEAPON ENTITIES, ITEM ENTITIES and AMMO ENTITIES.

So, please have fun making some CS single player maps! Oh, and check back often, there might be an update or two waiting for you! //UPDATE - 1.1.3 'The little things' Hotfix If you have any issues or suggestions, please don't hesitate to write it in the comments! Hello everyone! I've been working on this for far too long. !NOTE!> This is for CS: Condition Zero Deleted Scenes.